Yesterday afternoon I went for a quick look at Algés Harbour and in about 20 LBBG and 15 YLG I found 3 colour rings.
LBBG with blue NJA.A ringed in Belgium (Eric Stienen) as pullus in 2010. This one was seen at the same area last winter by Rui Caratão and is now back to it's wintering quarters with a new suit. Let's see if Rui as some photos of it from last winter.
Then I found an adult YLG with yellow DYT This was quite exciting because I immediately new it had to be an old bird from Berlenga Island. And in deed it was! Lurdes Morais sent me the life history details and it was ringed as pullus on the 26-07-1997, which makes it over 15 years old. Amazingly it only had 2 previous controls in its first winter at Figueira da Foz by Kess (09-10-1997) and Peter Rock (21-10-1997).
I wonder where it has been all these years...
The third one, from Paul Veron, was very far away and the wind was blowing hard so I'm not absolutely sure about the code. I'll go for it again in the next few days.